By becoming a Patron you will help us to:
- Perform the great choral masterpieces
- Engage world-class professional soloists
- Fund the region’s best choral society
- Keep amateur classical music alive in Buxton
As a Patron you will receive:
- Complimentary tickets & programmes
- Reserved seats at St John’s
- Complimentary interval drinks
- Invitation to the Annual Society Dinner
The Society welcomes your support which, for Patrons, begins at £160 per annum. Please use the contact page for further details.
Current patrons:
Buxton and Chesterfield Counselling | Mrs U Birkett |
Mr M Blackburn | Mrs S Callister |
Mr P Cartledge | Mrs J Evans |
Mr S Evans (Hon) | Mrs J Howey |
Dr P Hughes | Mrs M Mackenzie |
Mr R MacLean | Mr & Mrs A Matthews |
Mrs J Matthews | Mr G A Needham |
Mr D Nevell | Mr & Mrs J Spencer |
Mr & Mrs G Watson |
We are very grateful to the patrons listed above whose support makes a considerable contribution to the success of the Society.